Thursday, October 13

Babe of Beer River Road

Substance. Finally, some substance!

Most certainly, this post is long overdue. I believe this without a doubt! Hopefully, I'll be able to catch you all up significantly.

I'm choosing to begin at September 15th, 2011. Why? Well, I don't really think I need to expound upon anything earlier than this since I've already mentioned it. I can't say nothing happened between my trip to Scotland on the 2nd of September and the 15th. However, I'm sure many details need not to be said about being sick for roughly two weeks in a foreign country. Simply it was miserable. And that's that.

Now, to the good stuff! The 15th of September marked the beginning of my Gap Year! What happened? Well, we moved. The women's household from the previous year had a house until that day. You would think that moving wouldn't be that big of a deal. Well, that's not true. The catch was we didn't really have a place. The house for this year's household (where I'm living currently) wasn't available until October 1st. Generously, a family from the Jerusalem community here allowed us to keep all of our furniture and everything at their home. Truly, it was a blessing!

So, then, let me answer the question of where I stayed during this two week section where the women's household was minus a house. I guess that just made us a hold. Hahahah. ANYWAY, us three girls living in household were provided with different places to stay with members of the community here in Leuven. I mainly ended up staying with Martha, a lovely lady from Michigan. For those who don't know her, she's fantastic. For those who do know her, you know I'm not lying! She had just moved to Leuven from Spain only a week before I had arrived in Belgium. She selflessly opened up her flat for me to stay in for 2 weeks. Much fun was had, much laughter caused, and much Korean Television watched. All in all, it was grand. I suppose the only thing out of the ordinary was her landlord.

I'm trying to find the best way to say this. I'm feeling that this might just be a lost cause. However, I must attempt. Don't get me wrong, Martha's landlord, Wajih, has been decent at his job. There is, though, one slight issue: He jumps to conclusions. Because of this, I became her boyfriend. Then, I became her girlfriend. One of the mornings that I was in her flat, Wajih came to fix something with the heating. I wasn't really awake at the moment, so she had me move to her bed so I wouldn't be in the way on the floor. I quickly moved to her bed which was out of sight of her landlord. Whatever is was that required the adjustment was adjusted, and her landlord left. We thought we had averted a crisis. Wajih had previously voiced that he "didn't understand why she didn't have a boyfriend!" He had even thought this so much that he had told people that he needed stuff from Martha's apartment for, "a 26-year old woman who's about to be engaged!" He just really wanted her to be involved with someone. Unfortunately, I had become that someone in his mind! The next time she had contact with Wajih he apologized for interrupting her and her boyfriend. I HAD BEEN NOTICED. Martha thought about fighting against this, but ended up just rolling with the punches. Thus, I became the boyfriend. Fortunately for me, and unfortunately for Martha, I ended up coming back to her flat the same time he was right outside her door. So, Wajih and I properly met. I was introduced as Martha's friend. Innocent? Yes, by American standards. In Belgium, friend means more than that. And so, Wajih made the assumption that I was her "friend." So, I at least became regarded in the correct gender. As for what it meant for the "relationship" between Martha and me, it was blown even more out of proportion. Honestly, I found the entire situation absolutely hilarious!

October 1st marks the date of my first night at "home." The moving process occurred again! The new women's household was moved into, rather easily. And so, I became a Babe of Beer River Road. I rather enjoy the title. It stems from the fact that we live on Bierbeekstraat. Translated you get beer river road/street. So, naturally, we, the babes, became the newest residents on the street. We live in Beer River Basilica. Or at least, that is what I want to call the house. That's still up for debate.

Ok, Kate. That's great. You've been a boyfriend, girlfriend, and a babe. What about this "Gap" business that you're supposed to be there for? What's going on in that realm?


Well, let's see. Let me tell you my roles as a Gapper.
I am on the leadership team for Campus Evangelism!
- Daniel and I are the team for this event. What we do is what we call Coffee Stall. We had out free coffee and waffles to students for a 2 hour period of time once a week. While doing so, our aim is to engage the students, steer our conversations towards faith and God, and hopefully get contact information so as to invite people to Pharos events. It's challenging. It's good. It really helps me to remember that we're called to evangelism at all times. As uncomfortable as it may be, the more you do it, the more experienced you get. The extrovert in me loves being able to meet so many different people a week!

I am also in charge of the leadership team for Social Events!
- You may call me the Master Party Person. I'm on the team with Javier and with Maarten, a native Belgian. Really, we get to plan the fun events for Pharos. Last night, we had a Photo-Scavenger Hunt. Roaming around Leuven at night searching for random parks, statues, and flags? Finding interesting door handles and taking pictures with a blind dog? Doing so without it raining? Yes, please!

Lastly, but certainly not least, actually my most favorite:


I am working music for Pharos. What does this mean? Well, I'm in charge of the music team. Oh wait, first, let me just say that I had no existing team with which to work. And then, God just threw one at me. It was so fantastic! In the matter of hours, the team went from just me to 4 guitarists, 2 pianists, 3 vocalists, and a drummer. Sure, some of that might overlap within a person, BUT STILL. Certainly a blessing! Now, I'm in the process of working on the song list. Also, I shall soon be starting to work with 3 to 4 people on guitar so that I can hopefully plug them into the music team as well! God is so good!

So, I think you're up to speed. Well, as up to speed as necessary at the moment. I wouldn't say any of the above post is typical. But, such is the life of a Gapper.

Tot ziens!
[goodbye in Dutch. I'm in Dutch class currently. I promise I know more than this. I'll just leave you with my favorite word and it's definition. Winkel = shop/store. HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE FUN SAYING THIS!? hahah.]

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