As I was thinking about my blog the other day, I realized that I'll be throwing names all over the place. So, in order for less confusion for you, my dear reader, I have decided to put some names to faces. Those featured shall be appearing probably most often on my blog. Now, when you imagine my friendly foreign encounters, you will be able to picture my experiences more accurately! I know, I'm really so kind for doing this. Hahah.
Well, here I go.
Also, for those of you who share my love and enthusiasm for puns, please appreciate that I went this far without a comparison to FACEbook for this post. Thank you. :)
Sam Geleyn - Gap Director, Otherwise Known as Understanding Dictator ;)

Clare Darnell - Assistant Gap Leader, House Leader, Gap Leuven Survivor! (Goodness, I like the sound of the last title! Hahah.)
Risa Peine - Fellow Gapper, Housemate, Minnesotan, Coffee Enthusiast

Javier Sastre - Fellow Gapper, Fellow Michigander, Avid Longboarder
Daniel Kallassi - Fellow Gapper, Lebanese, Loves birds - at least, shooting them.
Javier to the left, Daniel to the right!

And there you have it. Leuven's Finest. I'll top it all off with a picture where it looks like we all might actually get along!

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