Well, I decided that I have a proper Intro to Europe post! A little less self reflection, and a little more environmental/situational description. And so, in the form, or perhaps the art of a "Myspace Quiz/Bulletin," I plan on explaining a few of my firsts in Belgium/Scotland.
First Use of Public Transportation: My train ride from the Brussels airport to Leuven.
- This is a big step for me! I never had to use this at home. I'm pretty certain that I'll have to get comfortable with the idea of trains/buses. This ties into the first thing I miss about home...
First Thing Missed about Home: Seatbelts!
- Yep, I'm different, I know. However, with all the travelling I've done so far on the public transportation, I've missed them! I sit down, and out of habit reach to buckle myself in my seat. Maybe I find them comfortable... or rather more of a comforting idea dealing with safety.
First Kairos Event: Student Workers Outreach Training! (SWOT)
- This conference was in Glasgow, Scotland. I left for the conference the day immediately following my arrival in Leuven. I certainly enjoyed meeting so many people with such a strong vision for their respective university outreaches! Many a friend was made, and many a good time had!
First Of Age Alcoholic Drink: Mango Medley (Super girly, yes. I'm fully aware)
- I pretty much felt crippled the first time we went to the pub in Scotland. Since I'm only nineteen, and a pretty decent law abiding citizen, my knowledge of what I like in regards to these types of beverages is extremely limited. It was decent, I guess. It'll take some getting used to, but it'll certainly happen since it's such a part of the culture here.
First Of Age Alcoholic Drink that I Liked: Koppaberg Cider Strawberry & Lime.
- Yum. That's all. Hahah.
First BELGIAN WAFFLE: Waffle eaten within 3 hours of my arrival!
- This definitely is NOT a curse about being in Leuven. They are really good, and totally not like what a Belgian Waffle is in the States! In looks, they are extremely similar, but the waffle I had here was much more of a dessert, much more sweet (by itself. I mean, the American version needs syrup or some variety of sweetener. This requires none.) Also, it's eaten cold... or at least, this one was.
First European Best Friend: Camille Chippewa.
- What? A fellow Michigander is my first best friend here? MOST CERTAINLY. For as much as we saw each other in the States, we never really had the opportunity to truly talk. Now, both as Gappers in Europe, we definitely are on a level of connection. She was such an extreme blessing to me over the SWOT conference. Also, she appreciates random things as I do, like roasted chicken crisps, teapots as bookends in a Women's household, or even rainbows & unicorns.
That's Seven Firsts. There will be plenty more to come!